From The Blue House With Love
A Dunedin, Ontario-based handcrafted soap shop.
A Dunedin, Ontario-based handcrafted soap shop.
A Collingwood, Ontario-based boutique barrister & solicitor specializing in public and private sector law.
25 icons were crafted in order to visualize Elstons location and subject-based law. These were integrated into a filterable database of cases showing the eclecticism of the practise.
Accessory Apartments
Aggregate Extraction
Commercial Development
Condominium Development
Development Charges
Downtown BIA/CIP
Heritage Conservation
Industrial Development
Judicial Review
Leave to Appeal
Minor Variances
Motion to Dismiss
Niagara Escarpment
Official Plan Amendments
Plan of Subdivision
Recreational Development
Renewable Energy
Residential Development
Shopping Centre Development
Shoreline Development
Zoning By-law Amendments
Coloured Pencil, Acrylic Paint & Gouache on Paper.
This piece was one of the most challenging bird pieces of my carrier, my focus was to show a full range of brown tones in the camouflage for the feathers.
A Creemore, Ontario-based not-for-profit providing & protecting water through education in Canada and abroad.
Alcohol Ink, Pen Ink & Gouache on Paper.
This project was an exercise in ink mixing and application. The alcohol ink (colour) was mixed with water, each colour had it’s own container and eye dropper. I dropped, threw and blew the alcohol ink over top of my pen ink drawing (black). I finished the pieces off with thin white lines of Gouache, to pull the images back out from the alcohol ink.
The frames were a project entirely on their own. With help from my father we custom built these pine frames, finished in white and finally distressed.
Originals Framed, 5½” x 5½”